Author Joe Cox is back to discuss unassisted triple plays, 40/40 seasons, and the stories behind baseball's rarest feats.
Gar Ryness gained fame through his uncanny ability to mimic the batting stances of former and current MLB players. He talks to us about what he calls "the least marketable skill in America."
Carroll Rogers Walton covered the Atlanta Braves during much of legendary third baseman Chipper Jones' tenure. She's here to discuss his autobiography, which she co-wrote with him.
Author Troy Soos discusses his popular series of historic mystery novels, including "Murder at Fenway Park" and "The Tomb that Ruth Built."
Martin C. Babicz teaches us about American history through the lens of baseball.
For a century, the arrival of Who's Who in Baseball was a sure sign the season wasn't far away. Douglas B. Lyons tells us about the history of the venerable publication.
Dennis Evanosky and Eric J. Kos take us on a tour of classic baseball stadiums that are no more.
Step right up and meet the wild and winning '86 Mets, courtesy of author Jeff Pearlman.